Deserving Taryn (Levi & Taryn, #3)

“There was nothing like family. It cemented hopes, dreams and loyalty together to create a group of people who would do absolutely anything for each other.” –Deserving Taryn
A snowy Christmas Eve morning finds Taryn Green back in South Dakota, standing on the doorstep of the Crossing Pines Ranch and wondering what reception would await her return. Three years have passed, although Taryn is dubbing it a lifetime she would never wish to relive. The charming, controlling boyfriend from high school was quickly transformed into something much, much worse. The courage to leave Dustin Lafke took a year for Taryn to gather, but is it truly over? Will he let her go?
Then there is Levi Kodallas—her loveable, dependable friend. The same genuine country boy, whose heart was shattered the moment he realized she had broken up with him and fled to college. She wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to forgive her. She can’t forgive herself. No one deserves to be burdened by her past mistakes, especially Levi. Taryn decides that she has to move forward, but to do that, she must retreat. She accepts a mission to discover truth, to chase happiness and finally, if she’s found worthy, to deserve love.