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Cover Reveal: Chasing Taryn (Levi & Taryn, #2)

Chasing Taryn is the second book in the Levi & Taryn series in the Broken Country novels. Courtesy of Rob Smith from RS Designs, Chasing Taryn's cover is here! Scheduled release is May 24, 2016.

Below you will find the blurb as well as the first two chapters. The chapters are still rough, so please disregard any errors. As always, Chasing Taryn is copyrighted by me and any use out of context should be requested of the author.

---CHASING TARYN (Synopsis)---

She loves me. She loves me not.

The journey has started for Taryn Green and Levi Kodallas. High school graduation marks the newest door into the world of adulthood and Levi wishes he could gather the nerves to tell Taryn how much he feels for her. She is his best friend, they do everything together and Taryn holds his heart in the palm of her hand. The worst part…she doesn’t even know. Heck, maybe the worst part is the boyfriend that Taryn plans to follow across the country to college!

Does he move ahead without Taryn? Does he tell her how he feels?

Taryn cannot believe how crazy her life has been and it hasn’t slowed down. Dustin, her boyfriend wants her to move away with him. Levi is her rock, but something is changing him. Her sister calls to tell her that she is getting married. So many emotions hit all at once and Taryn hasn’t any idea what she should do. Someone is going to get hurt. Someone is going to be left behind.

He loves me. He loves me not.



Levi Kodallas looked out across the open expanse of his high school parking lot that was quickly being emptied of all its cars. Graduation was over. Summertime was beginning and the world was full of possibilities. Well, all except one possibility and Levi was finding it harder to ignore. Almost two years had passed since he met the blonde haired, blue eyed wallflower that would become his best friend. Taryn Green was non-existent until he had bumped into her in the hallway at school, but he wasn’t able to ignore her after that chance meeting. No, his life had changed that very day in so many ways and it wasn’t all recognizable until months down the road.

Taryn was a breath of fresh air in a world that was stagnant and bleak. His head had been turned to see a beautiful gem that didn’t even know she shined. He loved her. He was in love with her. There was no mistake about it now and even as he admitted the fact to himself, he hadn’t been able to tell Taryn. She would probably laugh at him. Then she would tease him until he was completely sorry he had ever said anything of the kind. Levi took a deep breath and shook his head. That was silly. He would never wish he didn’t love Taryn Green. If only he had the guts to see if she felt the same way.

“Come on, lover boy.” His grandfather’s voice broke into his thoughts as he stared blankly across the emptying parking lot.

Levi looked at his grandfather and shook his head. “She’s going to hear you at some point and I’m going to have to explain.” He wondered if that was how Taryn was going to find out someday as to how he felt. James Kodallas arched a wicked brow and grinned like the very devil.

“Then maybe you should just tell her already!” James huffed. Levi continued to shake his head as his father walked up behind them and started laughing. Levi looked askance at them both and wondered how apparent his crush was to the world.

“Oh come on, son! We know you better than almost anyone.” Jake chuckled and slapped his son’s shoulder. “It is surprising she doesn’t know by now.”

Levi felt like the rug had been pulled out from under his feet. How had everyone known when he had never uttered the words? This was lunacy at best!

“I’m not ready to tell her. Besides, she’s been dating Dustin Lafke and I’m pretty sure they’re an item now.” That turned his stomach like the smell of rotting skunk in the hot summer sun.

Dustin Lafke was a transfer student this last year from a private school in Atlanta, Georgia. Grapevine had it that his parents had gotten divorced and his mother had moved home to be with her elderly parents. Midwest Nebraska wasn’t exactly Dustin’s idea of home and he didn’t bother keeping that a secret. He was sarcastic, cold, and snobbish, but Taryn must have seen something in him that no one else had. Watching their magnetic pull made Levi want to gouge his eyes out and it made his heart hurt.

“He’s not the guy for her, son. Surely you know that.” James growled, his eyes narrowing in irritation. Levi knew his grandfather loved Taryn every bit as much as he did. She was family now.

“I know it, but any time I bring up Dustin’s less than stellar qualities, Taryn clams up and tosses me that ‘bite me’ look.” Levi took off his graduation gown and tossed it over his arm. He avoided looking at his father and grandfather. They could read him like a book.

“She’s female and they don’t like it when they are wrong.” James’ mouth twitched with humor, but neither Jake nor Levi joined him. It wasn’t funny even if it might have a grain of truth.

“Getting into trouble again, Granddad?” Taryn’s voice instantly caused the guys’ eyes to widen. Levi swallowed hard.

James shrugged. “Not any more than usual.”

“Mmmhmm…that remains to be seen.” She smiled and gave him a hug. James hugged her back. “I’m starving. Can we go eat now?” Taryn asked, not taking her arm from around James’ waist.

“Sounds like a good idea.” Jake nodded, looking around for Taryn’s Aunt Ellen. “Where’s your aunt?”

Taryn shared a speaking look with Levi. “She’s on the phone with my sister. Bailey was sad that she couldn’t make it down for graduation.”

“Maybe we should wait for Ellen.” Jake hedged, looking around them casually; however, everyone knew he and Ellen had been seeing more of each other lately.

“I can text her and she can meet us there.” Taryn smiled, lifting a curved brow to Levi and Levi wiggled both of his in return.

“I can drive us and my dad can wait for your aunt.” Levi offered, pulling out his truck keys from his pocket. He struggled not to look at his grandfather or the pathetically, lovesick faces he was making at Jake’s back.

“That’d be fine.” Jake mused. “Where should we meet you?”

Taryn looked at Levi and they nodded in agreement.

“Hillside?” Levi asked, already walking toward his truck with James and Taryn in tow.

“Yeah, fine. See you there.” Jake answered, but no one was really listening. They made it to Levi’s truck and Taryn climbed into the middle. Levi took a deep breath before he got in to sit beside her. His heart hammered in his chest as her thigh brushed his and she was so close to him that he could smell her favorite perfume. It was perfect; a combination of citrus and sunshine. It was exactly as he thought of Taryn.

“Keys go into the ignition, Levi.” Taryn whispered in his ear and he nearly jumped out of his skin. His keys rattled in his hand.

“Thanks.” He mumbled as he slid the key into the tumbler and started the truck’s engine. His face turned red even in May’s warm weather and the heat from the interior of the truck. It really was a wonder she had no clue as to his feelings.

“Hillside, huh? You kids are shooting big today.” James changed the subject as he sat there watching them. Levi only nodded and began to drive. Taryn grinned in her saucy way.

“It’s my favorite place to eat!” Taryn wiggled in the seat which only brushed her leg more against his own. Levi groaned and then realized she could hear him and turned it an “mmm” sound. He was dying here, he thought.

“I’m definitely getting a steak with shrimp. It’s not every day that my grandson or my granddaughter graduate from high school.” James chuckled and Taryn squeezed the old man’s hand. Taryn and James had quite the bond, which was nice to see in any light. Levi just hoped to God that his grandfather didn’t spill his secret.

“I love their homemade rolls.” Taryn wiggled some more. Levi was about ready to lose his mind, but he managed to keep them on the road. “What’s your favorite, Levi?” She looked at him expectantly and he realized he wasn’t going to be able to stay quiet. She’d wheedle it out of him somehow.

“Honestly?” He watched her nod her head out of the corner of his eye. “The chicken alfredo.” It was his favorite and sometimes the waitress would take a special order to put shrimp into the pasta as well. It was amazing!

“Oh, I remember having that once with you!” Taryn rubbed her stomach. She had them all more than a bit ready for lunch. Levi hoped they wouldn’t have to wait long for a table.

“Wow. Looks like the traffic today is going to slow us down. Probably should have called for reservations.” Levi watched as the stoplight backed up cars in his lane.

Taryn chuckled with glee. “I already did. I made them last week.”

“And you didn’t say anything to me?” Levi asked, pouting as if he were hurt by her not confiding in him. “I thought we were besties.” He constantly teased her about the slang term that was now becoming something that she spewed just to drive him nuts. Taryn slugged him in the shoulder.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides that, I wanted to make today special.” She smiled softly at him and this one was completely genuine. “I wanted to have lunch with my family.”

The heavy, but warm silence was disturbed by Taryn’s phone chirping. She looked down to the lit up screen and heaven help him, Levi saw her smile. He knew that smile even before he knew who had texted her. His heart cracked a bit more.

“Will Dustin be there?” Levi asked, his breath caught in his throat for asking. He even prayed the answer would be no. Taryn was busy texting a reply.

“No, he’s with his family, but we will see each other tonight.” Taryn didn’t even look up as she waited for another message. James pretended not to notice his grandson’s torment. Levi was grateful for that.

They pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot. As he put the truck into park, Levi looked down at Taryn’s phone and saw the words he wanted for himself.

Love you.

Hope withered inside him. Maybe some things were never meant to be.


Levi was glad that his grandad had taken the hint and gone inside to check on their reservation. It left Taryn in the truck with him. His hand slid alongside his seat to the door panel where his gift was tucked. Taryn smiled at him, her blue eyes warm and inviting. They could put any expanse of water to shame.

“I have something for you.” Levi tightened his fingers on the little box and lifted it from beside him. The gold wrapping winked in the bright sunlight. Taryn’s eyes widened as she looked at the pretty package.

“Oh, Levi, but I didn’t get you anything!” Still she held out her hand and he settled it onto her palm. “You’re so sweet.” Taryn wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes were completely focused on the gift. The anticipation made Levi breathe faster and his heart tripped over itself.

“Go ahead. Open it.” Levi encouraged and he watched as she ripped into the gold paper. Little bits fluttered to the floor of the truck. Levi knew that he would leave them there in remembrance of today.

“Ooooh.” Taryn’s drawn out expression caused him to watch her closely, every movement, every word said and unsaid. She lifted the gold cross out of the box and it twinkled in the light. The little diamond in the center winked. She looked up at him with her blue eyes swimming with tears. She blinked quickly, but was unable to dispel them all as one rolled along her cheek. Instinctively, Levi reached out and wiped the trail away with his thumb. She was beautiful, right this very minute sitting in his truck and he had made her cry tears of happiness. No gift could have been more precious.

“Do you want me to put it on for you?” He asked, hoping that she would say yes and then it would lie around her neck like some claiming caress. As long as she wore this, she would always be his. He held the slender chain in his hands as she turned her back to him so that he could drape it around her throat.

“I will treasure it always.” Taryn smiled as she turned around to show it to him. Her fingers couldn’t help but touch it. There was a reverence in her fingertips.

“It suits you.” Levi smiled, pride nearly making his chest burst. “Promise me, you won’t take it off.”

Levi knew he had no right asking. The words were out of his mouth before he could even register them, but he would not to recall them. Taryn looked at the necklace and then looked up at him.

She smiled and nodded. “I promise. You’re my best friend, Levi.”

There was elation at her promise, then stabbing pain from the title that seemed so paltry to the feelings he had for her. Yet until he was able to tell her, he would have to live with the station he was given. Taryn leaned over to hug him and he held onto her longer than he was supposed to. No doubt if Dustin saw them, he would have something to say about the unseemly length of their hug.

“Let’s go eat, huh?” Taryn asked, pulling back and scooting across the truck’s bench seat. Levi could only nod and open his door.

They were seated inside the restaurant when Jake Kodallas and Ellen Roberts walked up.

“We were about to call out the cavalry on you two.” James chuckled, amused by his joke. Levi didn’t think Taryn and his granddad had seen his father and Taryn’s aunt holding hands as they walked up, the couple quickly split up. Levi shook his head. He wasn’t the only one who had trouble admitting his feelings.

“Well, thank you for holding off.” Jake answered dryly. Of course James chuckled some more and Ellen’s cheeks reddened. Everyone at the table knew what was going on, but no one wanted to say anything. Levi hoped that if everyone else knew how he felt about Taryn, he could remain ignorant of the fact.

“We ordered drinks already. Hope that’s ok.” Taryn smiled, acting as if there wasn’t a strange quietness over them all.

“Thank you, sweetie.” Ellen smiled. “I hope you know just how proud we are of you and Levi. High school graduates!” A round of clapping came up from the table.

“Thank you. I really liked school.” Taryn grinned, winking at Levi.

“Not me! I certainly won’t miss it.” Levi shook his head, taking a drink of his water.

“You won’t be going to college, Levi?” Ellen asked, stirring in a packet of sugar into her iced tea. Levi shook his head.

“He’s going to be farming with me.” Jake spoke up, smiling at his son. “School isn’t for everyone.”

It certainly wasn’t. Levi had this itch to go to work and make his own money. A classroom always made him feel tied down. This was his future and he was ready to start it.

“Taryn is going to college. I’m hoping it will be close by.” Ellen smiled at her niece and it was clear that she was reluctant to let Taryn go. From what Levi knew of Taryn’s past, it was understandable.

“I haven’t decided anything yet. My sister has been bugging me to go to school in South Dakota. I’m toying with the idea of going with Dustin though.”

There was the blow to his chest. She hadn’t shared this secret with him, her best friend. Levi’s jaw clenched shut and he fought to maintain some control.

“Isn’t he returning back east to live with his father?” Ellen asked, skirting Taryn’s purpose of bringing Dustin up.

“Georgia, I think. He says it is beautiful there and I really want to see it. We could get an apartment together and go to college there.” Taryn had been thinking of this for a while. The glint in her eyes dared anyone to challenge her on this. Levi could see with drowning hope that she had all but made up her mind to do it.

“Oh honey, we couldn’t afford that. You just got settled and now you’re going to uproot your life.” Ellen’s voice rose a bit higher, her anxiety level going with it. Jake put his hand on Ellen’s as it sat on the table.

“I want adventure and Dustin makes everything feel new and exciting. Plus I’m pretty sure that’s what student loans are for. Dustin said his family would pay for a place to live.” Taryn played with the paper wrapping from her straw. James sat at the end of the table looking like he was hoping to stay out of it. Levi felt like a voyeur, watching from a distance and no one none the wiser for it.

“I can’t let you go that far, Taryn. I can’t lose you.” Ellen’s expressive eyes started to tear and a couple streaked down her cheek. Taryn shook her head, looking down at her hands. There was an uncomfortable silence at the table as the rest of the restaurant bustled around them.

The waitress came to take their orders, but the loaded silence continued. Ellen didn’t order anything and Levi’s father declined as well. Taryn refused to look down to that end of the table. It wasn’t quite the happy, celebratory lunch that it was to have been.

“Levi, would you mind bringing Taryn home?” Ellen asked in his direction, but didn’t wait for an answer. “I suddenly need some fresh air.”

Both Ellen and Jake got up from the table. Levi nodded to his father and watched the couple depart. Taryn looked like she was about to explode. It was hard for Levi to know just where he should make a stand.

“She treats me like a child. I am eighteen. I can move away and go to college.” Taryn hissed, her mouth contorted in anger. Before Levi could say anything, James spoke up.

“I’m sure she doesn’t mean to treat you like a child. She is frightened for you and scared for herself.” James waited, watching as Taryn finally looked at him. “No one likes to be alone, especially as they get older. Your aunt only wants to keep you safe.”

“I’m perfectly safe with Dustin. Besides that, I don’t think my aunt is as alone as she makes us believe.”

“Don’t take anything at face value, my girl. Not everything is as it appears to be.” James looked at Levi and it was clear that the comment was made about him. Should he say something? Levi felt his tongue turn to stone in his mouth.

“I have to make a decision soon, though. Dustin is leaving in a month. I might miss my chance if I don’t go.”

Taryn made room for her plate that the waitress was putting in front of her. They were all quiet as they got their food and began preparing to eat.

“Sometimes things happen for a reason. If you miss the boat this time, I’m sure there will be something better waiting for you. Don’t rush is all I’m saying.” James cut up his steak and seasoned his baked potato. Taryn seemed to be contemplating what he was saying to her. His granddad had a connection with Taryn and she often listened to him when no one else could get through. Levi appreciated it. He was at a crossroads and was going to have to make a decision soon.

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